Zach Wright – how golf courses are leading the way in soil ecology

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When I started looking closer at the soil foodweb, my initial thought was that it’s a tool for farmers to reduce chemical costs, and a way to remove pollution. If I was to point to the most interested group, I would see certain farming communities on top. Although there is a lot of interest from progressive farmers in this methodology, it came as a surprise to me to hear from three people in a row, that it’s golf courses that lead the way in the UK at least, in restorative soil practices. The reason is strictly monetary. They spend an ungodly amount on products that sustain the vigour and colour of turf. The driver is aesthetics, and they are getting the results they want.

In this chat we learn the basics of hot composting, what is plant succession, what compost really is, and four examples of soil foodweb at work, including golf turfs and vineyards.

If you liked this chat, you may enjoy the one with Joel Williams, who also is known in the UK for his advocacy of the soil foodweb science. Click here to open in a new tab.


Zach’s company Facebook page

Life in the soils course page run by Dr. Ingham – sign up there if you want to become a consultant, or just learn the ropes for your own benefit.

Royal Jersey Golf Club

Music used: Luxe by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

This is a fledgeling project, that is taking a considerable amount of time, and a little bit of money. If you found this informative, entertaining, helpful, and think that it could help someone else, please share using the buttons below. Many thanks!

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