Paul Collins is building his regenerative operation on the Furney Copse Farm in Hampshire, UK. He keeps pigs, turkeys and cattle for meat. His passion drives him to learn everything, from everyone. He’s been on a course with Darren Doherty, read Mark Shepard’s book, met Joel Williams (and thinks he’s the nicest person ever), goes to learning events organised by Regeneration Agriculture UK, follows Joel Salatin, and owns a copy of the Permaculture Designer’s Manual. When I told him of what Sepp Holtzer does, his eyes lit up, as if a six year old boy got his first toy train.
The original Yeomans plough sits patiently waiting for another job, whilst Paul slowly puts together his design based around level contours.
There will be a market garden close to the mobile home, but already he’s letting a grower use part of the farm to grow according to Charles Dowding’s no-dig method. A pond situated near the top of the property will provide irrigation via a planned head tank fed by a solar pump.
Oaks which already have been there prior to him moving in, provide a seasonal treat for the pigs, and a deal with the Woodland Trust will bring many more onto the site in the coming years. Some of these will get planted onto the swales that will slow down water and nutrient runoff – preventing soil loss, feed the ponds, and provide nuts and fruit for animal and human consumption.
Turkeys that have been growing for a better part of the year are now ready, and soon will get prepared to be the main nature’s gift for many Christmas dinners in the area.
Paul was curious about Dr. Ingham’s course, and asked questions about improving his soil. I did tell him, that I will be definitely ready to help after I finish it, providing my campaign is successful first. His mob grazing methods will improve the soil in the long term, but the market garden soil would definitely benefit from a yearly hot compost pile inoculation. If all goes well, I will have space and materials to practice with, and Paul will get the inoculate.
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