Phil Chandler is the Barefoot Beekeeper (click to visit his site). He has written several guides on keeping bees, and is a recognised expert within the community. He does not keep bees to profit from the honey. His inquisitive nature has driven him to learn as much as he can about the lives of his little companions. He focuses on understanding them first. He mentions that people who come to his classes, are much more motivated by including bees into their permaculture systems, than opening a commercial apiary. He also paints a bleak picture of the quality of honey we buy from the supermarket, and of some of the methods employed by the large scale honey producers. If you’ve heard of the Flow Hive invention, he also gives his opinion on that.
More from Phil Chandler:
Go to Phil’s YouTube channel for useful guides.
British Beekeepers Association
Music used: Luxe by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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